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Anime Series About an Artificial Sun in the Ocean

Anime Series About an Artificial Sun in the Ocean

x /10

Enlighting Journey

This show is some other ane of my favorite blithe shows of all time, though sadly it's as well an under the radar gem that similar the ancient civilizations on the show has been forgotten. I watched this show when I was nigh seven years old on Nickelodeon and it blew me away. The lxxx's decade to me was a golden age for animation equally the market was starting to become more open along with our civilisation; a lot of blithe shows were coming in overseas. Seeing this show blew me away considering I honestly never seen anything similar it and to this twenty-four hours at that place hasn't been any other show like it. Information technology's too bad that French Animation didn't become a large wave like Japanese Anime over fourth dimension, I honestly would love to see what other animated shows they accept that I have all the same to see.

I really love the animation style; the character blitheness is pretty good I really like how each look unique which creates some diversity and was a bit of a novelty at the fourth dimension. Merely it's mainly the background animation that impresses me the most, I really love the item in each of the lands and the ancient civilizations which actually have just this otherworldly and slightly post-apocalyptic quality from just how colorful, strange, and even slightly familiar they all expect.

The characters serve their functions they're not deep characters though they accept a bit of persona and in that location are $.25 of development as the gamble goes on. Arcana whom wears this unique almost Aztec dress and head gear. She'southward an evolved version of the Arcadia species as she has two legs and even her figure is shaped like any humanoid. But she is armed with their listen powers which are useful throughout the show.

Spartacus whom looks like a native American /Aztec which is cool seeing a hero of that nationality which I don't see often is sort of a Tarzan like graphic symbol as he a man that has lived outside of Arcadia and knows about well-nigh of the hugger-mugger world. He acts as a babysitter for Arcana and the two human surface dwellers.

Supporting characters Bic and Bac are fun equally they are these smart duck bill platypus/armadillos like creatures. Other than serving up comic relief their both useful as they both take some knowledge about things in the underground globe.

Then in that location are the villains, the Pirates whom are this odd-looking bunch that expect like characters from a "Mad Magazine" cartoon. They are constantly pursuing the characters trying to capture them for their own gain. Despite all their fancy toys they accept one huge problem, their all idiots. Their also kind of comic relief characters equally their ever fumbling around in their plight.

But actually, nosotros're all in this prove for the take chances. I love the story line, it's foreign yet unique and easy to sympathize it honestly feels like it'southward 1 that came from some other world; and I dear that one of the joys of the sci-fi and fantasy genre is in different kinds of plotlines, almost that think outside the box. It's a absurd idea on a lost ancient civilization that resides under the globe and has an artificial sun for its people to live. It sort of makes me think of a lot of the other lost civilizations similar Lemuria and Atlantis and what happened to them.

This show also to me also follows a lot of the lurid adventures stories which always put fun and adventure kickoff and store logic in the closet. Similar for example, how is at that place oxygen and atmosphere in the layers of the earth; let alone due to the globe's mass how is it possible each land overtops the other without collapsing, what the heck is property them? Just almost importantly those stories always had this fascination with Lost Civilizations and the possibilities on what they were like. I really love those kinds of stories and in that location really aren't that many shows that exercise this except for "Stargate: Atlantis" and "Nadia: Surreptitious of the Blue Water" another underrated precious stone.

By its nature the plotline in saving Arcadia is just a driving point every bit nosotros're all in this show not and then much for the destination simply the hazard. And it's on hell of an hazard, I actually dear how the hush-hush world is conceived equally we see the characters going deeper and deeper in their journeying back we discover new kinds of lands, creatures, and civilizations that once existed. Each episode was always something new, which added to the risk feel of the show. Information technology always made me excited wondering what is the side by side country their going to, what are we going to find in that location?

I love how in each of these lands and civilizations we discover lots of things from the customs of people, creatures, establish life, buildings and what they were for, technology and their function, you lot proper noun it. The writing and the corporeality of depth to each of these episodes and lands are just great there are only full of creativity and color, the possibilities are every bit deep as the globe the characters descend down. We fifty-fifty acquire a little more as we go along about the underground civilisation Arcadia, where it's technologically advanced, they take some sort of pet droids along with some that human activity equally ships, their humanoid but their accept no legs they bladder which makes me wonder more than most their anatomy. Merely I really like how it'due south a civilization that is devout to the powers of the mind as they seem to value knowledge and other things of intellectual value simply also possess psychic abilities.

I other affair that stands out almost the show is at time information technology turns into a musical equally in some episode there are these musical numbers that appear, at times for no reason at all. Only the highlight is the theme song itself which is just fantastic, it'south one of my favorite theme songs of all fourth dimension which fits every bit it has a mysterious and adventurous tone to it.

Information technology'due south true that the only bad thing about this show is it didn't take a seasonal follow up, there were simply a lot of plot threads/questions that never really got answered similar Spartacus's origins which we never know about or why Arcadia'southward history is being covered up, could there be some night conspiracy at work? Hopefully somewhere along the line, this will be another show that will render with a new season. In this era in that location accept been a lot of shows that have came dorsum subsequently ending a long time ago with new seasons similar "The 10-Files" and so why not. Or if not do a revival so that the questions can exist answered, it'due south a thought anyway.

"Spartacus and the Sun Beneath the Ocean" shines bright.

Rating: iv stars

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viii /ten

Good show

I used to watch this show when I was a little girl. When I think about information technology, I only retrieve it vaguely. If you ask me, it was a skillful prove. The opening sequence and theme song are two things I simply call back vaguely, too. In addition to that, anybody was ideally cast. Also, the writing was very strong. The performances were summit-grade, too. I hope some network brings information technology back so I tin meet every episode. Before I wrap this upward, I'd like to say that I'll always remember this prove in my retention forever, even though I don't retrieve I've seen every episode. Now, in conclusion, if some network ever brings it back, I hope that y'all grab it i day before it goes off the air for expert.

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A classic series that I miss

Les mondes engloutis or Arkadia as it`south also known past is 1 of the classic series that I would love to come across once more someday.

The series was broadcasted on television set over hither in the belatedly fourscore`s and the re-runs used to be broadcasted in the early 90`southward, but now the series seems to have disappeared.

The music is uncommonly memorable and the temper and way is admittedly of the highest class. This is a series with nostalgic value so catch it on tv whenever you can!

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I want this show!!!

Geez, I love this show. It was really a family testify that was not afraid to tell a story many people these days would discover "odd" or "out there".

It is about a civization called Arkadia, a lost world that is alot similar Atlantis, Mu, Lemoria or Reh. Long ago, Arkadia got hit with a wave with disasters, sending them into the sub-terranean ocean, thus, their globe and our world has came to an end. However, the people of Arkadia, despite their being a museum in their earth, take lost retentivity of where they came from and the Earth around them. Just two children talk an aboriginal machine and two prehistoric beings named "Bik" and "Bak" into going into the museum. The children find out the Planet Earth however has civilisation flouishing. It was not destroyed, just however, the su-terranean sunday, "Shagma" (core of earth) is failing and the Earth is having problems too. Then the Arkadian children create a cloned replica of their ancestors, naming her Arkana.

That is the basic plot, but there is alot more too. Arkana joins two children and a mysterious warrior named Spartakus, whom is looking for his self-identity. There are likewise neo-pirates who accept foreign hair styles and wear leotards. Lizardmen who ride behemothic dinosaur-similar creatures, mouse people and ever creatures of aboriginal mythology and folklore make their appearance likewise.

Too bad they took this show off. Probably people whined nearly information technology having "dark plot moments" or some crap like that; thus, resorting to the dreaded era of "political correctness".

At least in Europe and French speaking accept information technology out on DVD. Mabye I tin get my easily on it someday ^_~

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A very good show that will ever exist remembered.

"Les Mondes Engloutis" (aka.Arkadia/Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Bounding main) has to be one of the most memorable European animations that was played on TV.

There was once a great cataclysm that fabricated a prosperous civilization live hole-and-corner for the many years that pasted.They have relied on the dominicus "Saggy" to nourish their world Arkadia,simply now,Saggy is fading.Some children entered a forbidden grotto and created a messenger and named her Arcana.Aslope her journey,Arcana meets upwards with magical twin aardvarks named Bic and Bac,a mysterious wanderer named Spartakus,a spacecraft with a heed of it's ain and ii kids,Bob and Rebecca.Aslope their journeys,they travel back in time,travel to other worlds and even to unknown places and come across such advisories such as barbarian herders,persistant soldiers/warriors, foreign creatures and animals and pirates whom resemble fourscore'due south punk rock singers.

Wonderful storyline,intresting and deep character development,good animation and a memorable soundtrack (for once,these toons tin sing!).At that place is zero corny about this testify."Les Mondes Engloutis", alongside "Mysterious Cities of Gold","Ulysse 31" and "Flower Princess Angel" are some of the most memorable shows that children of the 80'due south got.They got some of the animated "Deutchland Frankenfurters",while kids now-a-days are getting lame "Balogna"!

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I remember this now!

I remember whenever I was visiting relatives in Japan, I would always plow on this show "&Acirckadia Monogatari" (Les Mondes Engloutis' Japanese title) on every morning on NHK and I instantly fell in dearest with information technology and started my fascination with European animation likewise as Asian!

It follows the adventures of two surface children (Bab and Rebekka), mysterious wanderer Spartakus, magical being Akana and 2 twin ardvark type creatures called Bik and Bak. The end of the globe happened long ago, making the floating mystical continent of Arkadia fall beneath the oceans of planet earth. The Arkadian culture mutate into legless people whom look part human, part jelly-edible bean and vesture strange headdresses and lost memories of the surface world after the creation of their sun, the Shaguma. However, this sun, after many years, is fading away and something must be washed, then the children of the Arkadian clan and their organic living spaceship become into the forbidden grottos of this culture, research their ancestors and create a magical woman from the life force of the ancient Arkadians and named her "Akana".

That is the bones plot, but it gets deeper and deeper with every episode you lot watch of it, combining original storytelling, with time travel, paradoxes, some one-act, mythological elements and of course, a big cast of colourful characters.

I reccomend this animated series to you. It was a long fourth dimension since it aired in Nihon (accept not seen the French version however, desire to though), but it maybe airing in other places, since LME seems to have a cult following in Europe.

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seven /10

eerie and unforgettable

French speakers will exist pleased to watch the original version of these two seasons again, because cartoon series are not what they used to exist ! The language used in the dialogue is brilliant, literary notwithstanding not pompous; and so, parents who want their children to learn correct French should brand them watch such serial instead of today'south superficial material.

And despite the very basic effects (it does wait old, with faded colors and glitches), the atmosphere here is but lovely ! Every tableau, every place these guys visit aboard Shashag is eerie and beautifully made.

And to avoid taking itself too seriously (the chief synopsis isn't exactly a walk on the beach), there are comic relief characters, like Bik and Bak, and those pirates with fourscore's rockers haircuts ! So cool !

The main theme is haunting and the other songs, even though they're repeated in about every episode, are always fun to lookout man.

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Wow I miss this show

I watched this show as much as I did the Mysterious Cities of Gold...apparantly MCOG was much more tin can buy VCD's from ebay (I have a set myself and they are wonderful quality) but I have yet to find Whatever episodes of this series anywhere... I would love to find them once again! If you have any thought where I might look, I would greatly appreciate it!


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x /ten

I beloved information technology!

I requite this testify full firm in my voting, because I was very little when I saw information technology, and I loved it then, then I have to think that I nevertheless might.

I would very much like to run across this show once again, or fifty-fifty amend: buy information technology. But how?

Information technology is available on French DVD, just at that place are no English language subtitles - or in whatsoever other linguistic communication, for that matter. Ergo, I can't buy the French DVD-version.

I therefore ask you, guys:

Is in that location a DVD version out there, with English subtitles???

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Adventures of a ragtag group looking to save a subterranean lost civilization

Warning: Spoilers

I saw it when information technology came out - I was a kid. I saw it again during one of its very few few re-runs - I was a pre-teen. I got 2 DVD box sets recently. I'm pretty much an adult.

I even so dearest it.

The animation quality isn't that great (it wasn't made in Japan by a professional studio like the Mysterious Cities of Gold, but in France in a created simply for the occasion studio) but there are a few interesting things to mention: lots of hidden treasures in information technology (picket the pirates closely!) and information technology gets much amend in later episodes, where you can feel the animators letting get of the reins on their creativity and honing their way. Backgrounds are unremarkably beautifully painted, character motions tin can be very complicated and innovative... This drawing would definitely do good from a remastering, the original films having suffered from fourth dimension... The music - it's plainly beautiful, with some moody pieces, a few very catchy tunes, and an opening theme that can give y'all goosebumps of pleasure. Dubbing was sometimes a bit approximative, merely usually very taking. The characters (both master, bad-asses, and occasional) usually had an historical origin, or a legend: here a Chinese emperor, there an conflicting Male monarch Kong, or even a Renaissance scientist - or a gladiator leading a slave defection. If they didn't, then they pretty often had enough depth - or comic value - to be remembered. Those pirates had a fleck of Tex Avery in them... The main story: read other users' comments, you'll become a good start. Suffice to say, the beginning flavor initially ended the series with a good ending, but left enough questions in the air to allow for a second one - which comprised even more intricate per episode plots! Such plots every bit: what happened to those Arkadians refusing to forget their by? What are Spartakus' origins and what happened to his family unit? Is Arkana really human? Why was Thot all alone in his ruins? What was the purpose of the ghost ship? Who leads the Mogohks? All of these are connected somehow, and this connectedness might well prove to be the way to relieve Arkadia... The final ending took ii episodes of 25 mins each (not counting credits) and was artistic enough to rate the series amidst the pieces of arts of animation. It contained humor, malaise, romance, some epic battles, intricate storytelling, a healthy dose of mystery... It probes domains of space, time continuum, philosophy, mathematics, iconography... Plenty to keep nigh people hanging until the end, where the 2nd Orichalque is completely unexpectedly found and the Shagma restored to pb the whole people of Arkadia to its future.

Amidst derived products, one could notice a few plastic dolls of the characters, some novels retelling some specific episodes, but - and I liked those best - a few episodes redrawn in comics format around 1988 in the recently resurrected Pif Gadget. Those included 'Of Mice and Children', 'The Courtroom of Miracles' and 'Thot'. Find them. Read them. Compare to bodily European productions. Yup, out 15 years before their time.

Shoo, I wanna watch it again.

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Anime Series About an Artificial Sun in the Ocean




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